Introportrait au matin calme

All artworks for sale on this website are on display at our gallery-studio in Uzès. A certificate of authenticity and an invoice (VAT 5,5%) are attached to each painting. This painting is exhibited in our gallery-studio: 9 rue Saint Théodorit 30700 Uzès France, tel: +33 (0) 4 66 03 08 34.  Just contact us!

Introportrait aux jours heureux

All artworks for sale on this website are on display at our gallery-studio in Uzès. A certificate of authenticity and an invoice (VAT 5,5%) are attached to each painting. This painting is exhibited in our gallery-studio: 9 rue Saint Théodorit 30700 Uzès France, tel: +33 (0) 4 66 03 08 34.  Just contact us!

Introportrait en novembre

All artworks for sale on this website are on display at our gallery-studio in Uzès. A certificate of authenticity and an invoice (VAT 5,5%) are attached to each painting. This painting is exhibited in our gallery-studio: 9 rue Saint Théodorit 30700 Uzès France, tel: +33 (0) 4 66 03 08 34. Our gallery is open every afternoon from 3 to 7 p.m. (Sundays and holidays included). We can also plan an appointment outside of these hours. Just contact us!

Introportrait en bleu

Toutes les oeuvres en vente sur ce site sont visibles en notre galerie-atelier à Uzès.

Chaque oeuvre quitte l’atelier accompagnée de son certificat d’authenticité et d’une facture mentionnant la TVA (5,5%).

Vous pouvez découvrir cette oeuvre au sein de notre galerie : 9 rue Saint Théodorit 30700 Uzès, tel: +33 (0)4 66 03 08 34.

Nous vous accueillons tous les après-midi de 15h à 19h (dimanches et fériés inclus).
Nous pouvons vous recevoir également sur rendez-vous en dehors de ces horaires.

Contactez-nous !